“’But from the beginning of creation, “God made them male and female. Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.’” (Mark 10:7-9, ESV)

Jesus cited God’s words from Genesis 2:23-24 affirming the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman. Husband and wife become one flesh, a bond which is meant to be permanent. The fact that Jesus says it confirms that it is a universal truth, not to be redefined by contemporary cultural ideas and norms. Although Jesus did not discuss all the sins of sexual immorality that result from ignoring this truth, he did address divorce because of the question raised by the Pharisees in an attempt to trick Him. Jesus’ response tells us that divorce is sinful and can lead to even greater sin, adultery.

Unfortunately in our day people have disregarded that truth in favor of satisfying the lusts of the flesh and the eyes. Divorce is one of the major problems in our world today even among Christians. People treat marriage casually, forgetting that God hates divorce. It is a sin caused by sin. Divorce occurs because of basic human selfishness and rebellion for it is an act is one in which one or both spouses ignore the vows which they made before God. Divorce occurs when one or both spouses selfishly insists on his/her own way all the time, or abuses the other physically, emotionally or verbally, refuses to forgive, serve or love the other, or when one or both covet someone else’s spouse or another person. If married couples would only remember the vows they made before God and seek God’s help to keep them they could grow together in Christ Jesus and fulfill the promise they made to Him and each other.