“I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling; likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works.” (1 Timothy 2:8-10)
Paul instructs Timothy regarding the proper conduct of worship. First of all the people of God should pray different kinds of prayer for everyone including the governmental leaders, the majority of whom, we must recall, were idol worshipping pagans entrusted with the enforcement of law and order which protected the innocent and punished evildoers. Good and just magistrates made it possible for the gospel to be spread in peace. The point is that the Lord desires that all come to faith in Christ even those we may consider the most heinous and wicked, even the politicians. After all, they do not know that Christ is the only true means of salvation or that without Him they have no hope. As Christians we must provide the witness of that hope.
Paul also lays down guidelines for the behavior of men and women when in public worship. All should pray with sincerity and humility without anger. No one should ever seek to make a show or display of themselves. Modesty is key in appare, not ostentation. What one wears in worship should show caring and loving concern for the poor and needy as well respect for God. Proper adornment for men and women consists of good deeds of charity and kindness. No one should make a public display in worship and so call attention to self. Worship is about Jesus, not about any believer advancing his or her own agenda. This short meditation does not address the myriad of questions that may arise from these verses regarding women, but we must remember they concern conduct in public worship spoken to a group of Christians who had converted from blatant idolatry. If you have questions, please ask.